Maintenance Issue Reports

Trilogy® at The Vineyards

Displaying 226 - 250 of 572

 Reported Location Issue Status
January 9, 2023Vineyards

The culvert or V-ditch adjacent to the walking trail behind Porto Village on the vineyard side is full of leaves and debris

January 12, 2023Villages

The new paint on top of the sound wall caps is peeling off badly along the side of our house (left side of Latour gate). We can’t tell how many caps are affected but at least a few look like there are leaves 🍁 on top of the cap but when you look closer the “leaves” are paint peels so they aren’t blowing away in the wind. Haven’t gone out to look at the back wall on Vineyards pkwy.

- Message from VAMC - Thank you for your report. Whit's Painting is aware of the issue caused by all the rain and has reported that they will schedule the repairs as soon as there are consecutive days of clear weather. JW

January 12, 2023Gates

St Julien /Vehicle entrance gate stuck open
St Julien Pedestrian gate does not lock. When in locked positon a slight push down on handle will open gate

January 13, 2023Villages

You probably have received many complaints about“Lake Moscato" in front of 1816 Moscato. I would think it should be a simple and cheap fix. It’s been a problem literally for 5+? years. In heavy rain the water pools in front of the house so much that it goes over the middle of the road and drains somewhat on that side of the street. Maybe it could be solved by a pipe or a small, deeper gutter to the storm drain several feet away.

- Message from VAMC - Thank you for the report. This street is still in control by Shea Homes. We have followed up with them requesting a repair timeframe. JW

January 14, 2023Gates

😫😫😫 reported to me that exit gate for St Julian is now stuck open.

January 16, 2023Villages

Leak in my roof in the library

- Message from VAMC - Please contact Shea Customer Service to see if it's under warranty. If not, please call a roofer. Unfortunately, the HOA does not cover any repairs to homes. Thank you. - JW

January 17, 2023Villages

Some bushes along Trilogy Parkway behind 1974 Sacred Mountain Lane have very few, if any leaves. (The location is between Barossa and Porto.) The bushes need significant care or replacement. As it is, they do not provide the image that the community tries to project, nor do they provide the privacy between the road and sidewalk and the home(s) on the other side.

- Message from VAMC - This is currently an open approved project that will be completed by TerraCare this year. - JW

January 18, 2023Club

Outside of the spa area is a small sitting area with 2 double seats and 2 tables. The cement in that area has a large stain of spilt food or drink or something that has been there a long time. Can the area be hosed off? The spa itself is immaculate, but this area looks terrible and is the first thing you see when coming to the spa. Thank you so much.

January 18, 2023Villages

Several weeks ago the HOA sponsored wall cap painting was performed on the wall in my back yard. While the paint worked seemed fine when completed, the newly applied paint is already peeling away, exposing the metal/foam cap underneath. The entire wall in my back yard is uncovered and open, so this issue is not related to lack of access. I believe it's related to poorly prepping the wall before painting it. Can we have the painter come back out, properly prep the exposed sections of the cap, and repaint it? I have pictures if you need them. My address is 1567 California Trail. Thanks!

January 19, 2023Club

Is it possible to relocate the Pilates items to another section of the gym? It seems the items are increasing & they now take up a quarter to a half of the relatively small floor workout area. I use the gym a lot & have rarely seen anyone use this stuff & those of us who want to do floor exercises are left scrambling for another spot. At best, 1-2 people can use the mat with all that stuff there. Today another big box was added.
I have spoken with other gym regulars who feel the same.
Thank you.

January 24, 2023Villages

Contractor failed to paint a small portion (40 feet) of the inside surface of our wall cap and has not returned to finish the job. They did complete the whole section along Briones but failed to finish the painting of our cap along the orchard side of our property. Alll scraping and prep has been done, but no paint. I would be happy to point out the section which needs to be completed and/or give painters access to our property.


January 31, 2023Gates

The entrance into Bordeaux gate on LaTour is remaining opened and does not close.

February 1, 2023Villages

Porto gate is open and not closing.

February 8, 2023Club

Strong natural gas odor in the breezeway between Club Los Meganos and the Spa this morning while entering the gym.

February 9, 2023Club

Two Elliptical exercise machines no longer work in the gym

February 9, 2023Gates

The pedestrian gate at the west end of the club does not stay latched when you attempt to close it. The gate I'm referring to is near the lawn area where special events are held and near where garbage bins for the restaurant are located. It has a numbered key pad - not activated by a swipe card - and it opens up to the sidewalk on Vineyards Parkway.

February 15, 2023Club

I just wanted to thank you and the contractor who was here yesterday servicing the gym equipment. He was very thorough. Kudos to you for keeping the equipment safe.

February 17, 2023Villages

gate is jammed at Porto Village

February 19, 2023Villages

Porto gate still not closing

February 20, 2023Gates

Auto gate entry side in Porto Village is consistently open which is a big safety concern. Has been going on for months.

February 21, 2023Gates

Looks like wind is keeping the Latour exit gate open. Not sure about other locations

February 22, 2023Pool

When will we have music again in the pool, and when will the hot tub be working? Thank-you.

February 25, 2023Gates

Gate at end of Barsac Ct is not latching for unknown reason

March 1, 2023Pool

Paint is chipped and laying at edge of pool entrance ladder. There is also a lot of black residue, mold?, along the drain areas in the tile that has rarely if ever been cleaned. Time is filthy there also. I have pictures , the area should be cleaned with maintance of pool area. Just needs a good scrubbing. I know the pool is part of litigation but that should not exclude daily or weekly cleaning of areas. It is gross!

March 2, 2023Gates

Ped card reader not working at Miwok gate

 Reported Location Issue Status


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