Maintenance Issue Reports

Trilogy® at The Vineyards

Displaying 226 - 250 of 583

 Reported Location Issue Status
July 23, 2023Gates

Porto gate open all night and this morning

July 24, 2023Gates

In Porto (Healing Rock Ct), Outbound gates have been wide open for days. (Inbound gate is unresponsive

July 25, 2023Gates

St Julien Vehicle entry gate stuck open,

August 16, 2023Gates

Back on August 9 I emailed that the Latour gate(s) where squeaking badly. I got a response on the same day that they had been lubricated. It didn't work. I emailed back a few days later to ask for the gates to be rechecked. I don't know if that has been done but the gate(s) are still like fingernails on a chalkboard. Please HELP! I live next to the gates and the squeak is heard in my bedroom and office. That puts us at pretty much 24/7 noise.

August 19, 2023Gates

For the past few weeks the Solera gates have remained open all day on Saturdays.

August 27, 2023Gates

The exit side of the Zinfandel gate periodically stays open. Sometimes the gate is stuck open, sometimes it closes. I have seen this issue several times over the past week, including this evening.

September 2, 2023Gates

Andulucia gate open

September 14, 2023Gates

The 3 pillars supporting the gates at the Miwok entrance are all spotted/stained with something brown.  And the cap on the middle pillar was damaged.  Any opportunity for cleaning or painting these? This was first reported on June 12th as anopen forum comment.

September 26, 2023Gates

The pedestrian/golf cart gate between Bordeaux and Rhone - at Lafite Ct and Briones Valley Rd - is not working...again. Or at least it wasn't working this morning, Sept 26, around 8:45 am.

October 7, 2023Gates

Entry gate to la tour staying open. Won’t close.

October 9, 2023Gates

St. Julien gate call box - Did not work when putting in my phone code to call my cell phone to let me enter the gate. Let me know if this is not clear - Thank you! Shelley

October 17, 2023Gates

St. Julien gate is stuck, not operational and making a loud noise - PLEASE HELP!

I took a video with sound but the file was too large to upload so I have attached a photo only. So this is my second attempt with photo only and it will not upload either.

October 24, 2023Gates

Zinfandel exit gate was not closing at 10:33pm. Watched for several minutes.

October 25, 2023Gates

Exit Gate on Latour is stuck open.

October 27, 2023Gates

Sonoma Resident reports Zinfandel exit gate not closing.

October 27, 2023Gates

Hey there. I just found this link in MTL. The Sonoma gate going out is not shutting again. It’s about 9:30 pm.
This happened the other night as well.
Please can you fix. Thanks.

Sonoma gate on Zinfandel

November 2, 2023Gates

Entrance Gate on Latour remains open - does not close.

November 2, 2023Gates

Zinfandel exit gate is stuck open, entry gate is working

November 4, 2023Gates

Zinfandel exit gate not closing again

November 7, 2023Gates

Zinfandel Gate is stuck open (again)…

November 8, 2023Gates

The 3 pillars supporting the Miwok gates are stained and the middle one has a damaged cap. This was first reported as an open forum comment for the June 13th HOA meeting and nothing was corrected. It was reported on MTL as a Maintenance Issue Report on September 14th and still has not been fixed nor did I even receive a reply that the report was received. When can we expect to have this taken care of?

November 14, 2023Gates

Entrance gate to Rhone Village is stuck, one side closed, one side open.

November 15, 2023Gates

Zinfandel exit gate is stuck open again

November 16, 2023Gates

The exit gate of Sonoma Village has been stuck open for several weeks. This has been reported to the concierge desk several times.

November 28, 2023Gates

Bordeaux Entrance gate at Latour is sitting open.

 Reported Location Issue Status


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