Maintenance Issue Reports

Trilogy® at The Vineyards

Displaying 251 - 275 of 583

 Reported Location Issue Status
July 22, 2024Landscape

The Lanscaping at the entrance to Andalucia Lane is in need of water most of it looks dead.
Please have someone look at it.



July 26, 2024Landscape

Please, please, please check the sprinklers at the upper end of Miwok Park. This is my third request for someone to actually run the sprinklers and look for the problem of no water pressure getting to the grass. The grass cannot withstand 100+ degree days and very little, if any water. One sprinkler line was on today, but only one sprinkler at the end was working. My requests are marked In Progress, but nothing seems to change.

July 27, 2024Landscape

The recent addition of rocks and boulders to the landscape medians in front of 1101 Lafite Court resulted in the work crew breaking the water pipe which waters half of the landscaping on the 1101 Lafite Court side of the golf cart path. I immediately notified the HOA (Jayme Walls) and received a response that the mattewr would be attended to. Now, after several months much of the landscaping is dying or dead and the problem has not been addressed. Likewise, the automatic sprinkler system for this area has not worked for over 5 years, which has facilitated myself and the gardener for 1101 Lafite Court to manually turn on the irrigation system every week.
Dozens of plants have now died and numerous other plants are threatened. I can't imagine why this matter has not been fixed as I have been alerting Mr. Walls and other Trilogy employees for several years. My Neighbor Dennis Reynolds asked for me to advise of his dissatisfaction with the manner these repairs have been ignored. I am also notifying the property managers Nacny and Patrick Lewis of this most unfortunate situation. The landscape employee who previously checked on the sprinkler system was not fluent in english and stated that he did not know how to fix the control boxes, but true to your word he came out and looked at the boxes for a minute or two and shook his head and left.

July 29, 2024Landscape

Broken sprinkler system at golf cart gate if front of 1100-1101 Lafite Court. Me. Reynolds gardener Carlos repaired the broken supply line pipe, however we need to have the sprinkler control box(s) repaired asap?

July 30, 2024Landscape

Upper Miwok park irrigation for lawn is not working the lawn is dead in many areas. See photo. This is an on going problem that never seems to be addressed. I have seen other park areas in Trilogy that are looking great such as the Bocce park area (it looked poor for awhile) now looks good. Why is there no effort to work on upper Miwok ? Thank you

July 31, 2024Landscape

This is an ongoing issue with many requests over the years. The bushes on the upper half of Trilogy Parkway going up to the clubhouse need to be trimmed. Each year the maintenance staff only trim half way up the parkway and stop (for no apparent reason). Due to this, the bushes are in very poor shape and don't even closely resemble the nice and full and healthy bushes on the lower half. You can see the actual point where maintenance has stopped. Three years ago myself and another neighbor met with HOA staff and gardeners and both assured me that this would be remedied by repairing damaged water lines, replacement of dead bushes, additional fertilizer to repair the damage, and annual topping to keep the bushes healthy. Three years and multiple requests later, the bushes are worse than ever. While the lower portion was recently topped and most likely fertilized as an annual task and look amazing, the gardeners stopped at the same place they always do and left the upper half alone. Please can you please treat the upper bushes on the parkway with the same care you treat the lower half. Not asking for anything extra, just the same level of care. Respectfully, Linda Tarantino

August 4, 2024Landscape

At the out Miwok Gate there is a River Rock area between gate pillar and grass full spreading weeds.
Thanks Ken

August 6, 2024Landscape

The sprinklers are lower Miwok park at running evening, morning, and even mid day. You can hardly use the park.

August 6, 2024Landscape

The Trilogy sign at the top of Trilogy Pkwy is damaged. The word Trilogy is misaligned. The “T” is about to fall off. And. The “L” is upside down.

September 17, 2024Landscape

Weeds are looking terrible at the back of Solera Street.
My husband and I have already cleared the fire lane between our house and the Neighbors house, which I feel we should have to do but have waited so long for it to be done.. these weeds make the place look, unkempt, and scruffy!
Could you please send out somebody asap!
Thank you!

January 31, 2025Landscape

Over two years ago the HOA was going to reapply bark to the common area around the upper and lower Miwok Park. That was delayed because of the PG&E project. I have a view fence that overlooks the upper park, and the space between the fence and the grass is constantly growing weeds. Terra Care sprays some of those weeds maybe once or twice a year. When will the promised bark be reapplied? I see that it was done near the clubhouse. I pay a lot in HOA fees to be ignored for many years. This is marked as completed, but the only bark that is left, and that is very little, is from the original bark that was put down many years ago. Thank you.

January 30, 2025Landscape

I noticed recently that the bushes were trimmed on the Miwok Park Trail near Chianti Ln. and thank you for that. There are common area bushes that adjoin our bushes on Chianti Ln. and we try to keep our property trimmed, but it seems that this common area is always overlooked and I have to ask for them to be trimmed. So, I am asking for the 5 bushes that adjoin ours be trimmed to the same height of what is on our property. Thank you!

September 15, 2024Landscape

Just noticed this morning that the sprinkler line at the north end of Miwok Park is not working correctly AGAIN. It is the line that waters at 10:50 am daily. There is a small amount of water coming out of each sprinkler, maybe 18 to 24 inches max. The grass is not suffering yet, but it will be dead again as in August if not repaired soon. Thank you!

October 26, 2024Landscape

Upper Miwok Park: Two dripper sprinklers near the big oak tree are broken. They are shooting water into the air up to 6 feet away.

October 26, 2024Landscape

Upper Miwok Park trail: Behind the big rocks along the walking trail in front of the giant Oak tree there are two dripper sprinkler tubes that are shooting water up into the air and landing about 6 feet from the tube. I took photos, but I'm not being allowed to download them to this site (message says the file is too big).

September 12, 2024Landscape

I called the concierge desk to advise of this also since it is time-sensitive. There is a broken sprinkler head or line in the landscaping area of the Miwok gate as you're entering Trilogy that is shooting out water right now.

September 8, 2024Landscape

The water pressure at the Chef's Garden area is reduced to the point that we can't water the plants. This just happened yesterday. Also, we need more water to the pumpkin area as none of those plants are getting enough water and our one pumpkin is starting to shrivel up.

Thank you!
The Chef's Garden Team

November 19, 2024Landscape

The parkway artificial grass in front of 1629 Zinfandel is badly damaged. It appears to have been scorched/burned by something extremely hot. The turf is melted.

November 16, 2024Gates

Latour pedestrian gate not closing properly. Has to be pulled shut every time.

February 13, 2025Gates

St Julien entry gate is apparently sticking open again....periodically

2.19.25 Hi Dave, we'll head down this morning to see if we can fix this in-house and if not, we'll have the vendor come out to make the repairs. Thanks, Will

2.19.25 10:51am Update: Our new gate vendor, American Gate Operations (AGO) will be out tomorrow afternoon at the latest, possibly this afternoon to fix the gate. Thank you.

02.21.25 10:41am Update: AGO was not able to come to the property the past two days to make the repairs, they have rescheduled for Monday 2/24/25 between 11:00am and 1:00pm to make the repairs. We'll be checking the gate throughout the days until the repairs are made. Thank you

February 24, 2025Gates

St Julien exit gates reported to be stuck open by residents

March 9, 2025Gates

The Latour exit gate continues to periodically remain open after a car drives through then when it closes it beeps and remains open until the next car drives through then the gate will close. I know this sounds weird but we were walking home and stood at the open Latour exit gate and observed this in progress

March 2, 2025Gates

Latour gate malfunctioning. Reported problem - “ Informing you all. the Latour gate is still malfunctioning. It self opens and then stays open. Beeps.

December 30, 2024Gates

Latour entry gates are locked in the open position

12.30.24 - Gate is closed as of 1:34:08pm. Thank you for letting us know.

December 31, 2024Gates

The pedestrian gate access at the Solera Gate in Tuscany does not work - hasn't worked for a while and many others have this issue as well. (I haven't tried it today - in case this was something you've alread fixed).


12.31.24 Thank you for reporting this. The card reader failed and a new unit has been ordered. ETA for part to arrive and be installed is this Friday.

 Reported Location Issue Status


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