Maintenance Issue Reports

Trilogy® at The Vineyards

Displaying 276 - 300 of 583

 Reported Location Issue Status
March 2, 2025Gates

Latour Gate malfunctioning - additional information:
“ when a car exits. it opens, and then it closes, and then it beeps and opens again and stays open.”

03.04.25 The gate issue was addressed and resolved; we'll keep an eye on it is fully updated. Thank you!

January 10, 2025Gates

Hi - Any ETA on when the pedestrian gate access will be fixed at the Solera Gate in Tuscany?

January 11, 2025Gates

Walkthrough gate at Viognier Ct lock is not working.

01/14/2025- Replaced the batteries. Now working.

January 22, 2025Gates

The Solera pedestrian gate in Tuscany has not been woking for over a week
It cannot be accessed with our cards -please advise status of repair
thank you

February 8, 2025Gates

several residents have reported, and I have seen, St Julien entry gate is periodically sticking open for long periods of time. This has been on-going since Feb 3.

March 8, 2025Gates

At approximately 11:30am, the Latour vehicle entry gate was stuck in open position again, not sure how long, and around 12:15pm I saw it was closed

-BSRG to continue checking on the gates-

February 1, 2025Gates

The Solera gate in Tuscany, both enter and exit, seem to be very noisy - a schreechy, creeky sound. Not sure that's normal or indicative of a problem?

Thanks for the clock in the locker room - it needs a new battery though, it wasn't working this morning.


February 8, 2025Gates

St. Julian gate is opened.

September 3, 2024Gates

Porto neighbors have asked me to request help with an outbound gate issue. Unlike other Trilogy at the Vineyards villages, Porto's exit gate does not open when small vehicles like motorcycles, e-bicycles, bicycles and golf carts approach to exit. We need a way to get the gate open. (Walking through the pedestrian gate is unsafe and awkward. Our gate fobs are of no use inside the village.)

October 9, 2024Gates

The pedestrian gate that allows access from the Montepulciano Vineyard into Bordeaux at Barsac Court is not working. Entering the code does not unlock the gate.

October 8, 2024Gates

Around 9pm, right-side Latour gate was stuck open again until a car left and somehow the gate closed "properly"

October 20, 2024Gates

Porto gate is broken. Won't close.

October 7, 2024Gates

Latour entry gates stuck open

October 22, 2024Gates

porto gate broken. Stays open will not close!

November 4, 2024Gates

Miwok gates not working. Beeping loudly! Entrance side is half open. Large vehicles cannot get in, i.e. emergency vehicles! Exit side stuck open.

September 25, 2024Gates

Right side of Latour gate has been in the open position multiple times when we try yo leave but when we drive up it opens fully for us to exit so we haven't reported anything. Today, however, John tried to leave after lunch to go back to work & he couldn't get out of Latour gate, had to back up & drive to St. Julien gate to leave. I didn't see that issue recently reported. Any idea when our Latour gate will be working like it is supposed to?

September 23, 2024Gates

The gate going out of Trilogy on Zinfandel is not working correctly. Only half of it opens and you can get through, but it is tight. That side of the gate has been working very slowly.

November 18, 2024Gates

Latour vehicle entry gates stuck open.... Sorry

November 19, 2024Gates

The Zinfandel security gate (exit) has been stuck in the open position for several days.

December 7, 2024Gates

The backlight for one of the large Trilogy entrance signs (on the left/South side) at Vineyards Parkway/John Muir Parkway is burnt out and has been for a few months. Thank you.

- 12.12.24 Call to DPW - Work order placed with
Parks and Rec.
- 12.17.24 Call to Parks & Rec: Work order is active
and ETA is 2 to 3 more weeks to replace the
- 02.27.25 After many emails with the City, they will be making repairs to the backlights for this sign, I'll say in a few more weeks, but it could be as soon as tomorrow. They have thanked us for our patience and ultimately they will get this fixed. Thank you!

September 19, 2024Gates

Porto gate not rtesponding to codes or transponders.

October 12, 2019Gates

Are all access gates backed up by a battery in case PG&E turns off the power?

November 28, 2019Gates

Ped. gate at Trilogy Parkway and CA Trail does not lock or close properly

January 8, 2020Gates

The groundcover on the mow strip on the left just inside the Miwok entrance gate is overflowing into the curb and is filled with weeds. It has been that way for months.

February 18, 2020Gates

St Julian Exit gate is staying open noticed on Sunday continued into Monday

 Reported Location Issue Status


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