Maintenance Issue Reports

Trilogy® at The Vineyards

Displaying 351 - 375 of 583

 Reported Location Issue Status
June 7, 2022Landscape

The hedges on the lower end of Trilogy Parkway (on the right side heading up to the clubhouse) were cut back very nicely as usual every year, but for some reason the gardeners stop about half way up the street every year. This has been going on for many years causing our hedges to not fill in as nicely as the ones below. I would like to request that the upper hedges receive the same maintenance as the lower hedges. Anyone can see the difference and where the maintenance is lacking. Please cut them back as soon as can reasonably be done. And, in the future please provide the same maintenance as the lower hedges on the street receive without my requesting it. Thank You.

June 15, 2022Landscape

I live next to the Bordeaux Latour gate (1691 Gamay Lane) so the community wall is on 2 sides of my property. The side wall that is next call box and gate has 2 loose caps. By caps, I mean the white top has separated from the beige bricks. One of them is totally loose. My gardener showed me how he could totally raise it up off the brick below. Is suspect this may have happened when the trees were taken down during the re-landscaping of the area around the gate. That top is the 3rd one from center raised top. If you are looking from the new landscaping there are 3 new Italian cypress in the middle. Look 3 tops towards the gate. The other bad one is on the same wall but almost to the corner of Latour and Vineyards. There is a huge gap between the 2nd & 3rd top and it looks like the wall may be tilting? Maybe one of the old trees had a large root??

July 12, 2022Landscape

There is a tree with dead branches & a split trunk in the area outside the gym windows. When you are sitting on the recumbent bikes, you’re looking right at it. I reported this to the concierge desk & the gym desk several months ago. The dead tree remains & is very unsightly. Please remedy the situation.
Thank you.

July 17, 2022Landscape

Over one year ago the HOA was going to reapply bark to the common area around the upper and lower Miwok Park. That was delayed because of the PG&E project. Is that still on hold or will that be completed sometime in the near future? I have a view fence that overlooks the upper park, and the space between the fence and the grass is great for growing weeds. Terra Care sprays some of those weeds maybe once or twice a year. They do not spray the spurge which is a prolific spreader of seeds. I have been weeding the area behind my fence about every two weeks. New bark won't solve the problem completely, but it would help.

There is also a watering issue near Chianti on the upper park. There is a large area that is dry because it is not getting water from a sprinkler. Near that area between the grass and Chianti there is constant water runoff into the dirt, (that should be covered with bark) causing the area to puddle with water and be very muddy. This poses a slip hazard for people that leave the trail and take a short cut over to Chianti. It is also an attraction for wasps. Thank you for your response.

July 17, 2022Landscape

I live at 1701 Zinfandel Drive. The HOA property that boarders my home (at the entrance to the pathway into the vineyard) is full of tall weeds growing in the bark between the street and the sidewalk. I tried to pull them out, but I cannot because they are full of stickers. This is the second time I've reported the issue. I don't see it on the list of existing requests.

July 26, 2022Landscape

There are weeds that are totally overgrown in common area on symphony circle. It is the access to the olive orchard behind the exterior wall. (1525 Symphony Cir ) It looks horrible! There needs to be maintenance on this access area!

August 14, 2022Landscape

The sprinkler valve has not shut off the sprinklers that have apparently been running all day. The sprinklers are located along upper Miwok Park just south of Chianti. The water is accumulating and running down the trail. Reported 7:29 pm on 8/14/2022

September 3, 2022Landscape

The hedges on Trilogy Parkway approximately 1/2 way up on the right hand side (as you are going up the parkway) need to be trimmed again. This has been an issue for several years and I am hoping we can have the hedges maintained and looking like the same hedges on the lower section of the Parkway. The only way this can happen is with consistent trimming the top of the hedges, proper irrigation and fertilizing on a regular basis.

September 24, 2022Landscape

Debris blocking water drainage in Bordeaux OLive Grove Path. Located at the end of Sauternes.
Also the landscape bender boards at the same area have been broken for some time. The boards are loose and also have nails exposed.

October 11, 2022Landscape

They have sprinklers running in the heat of the at the Sonoma gate Entrance.

November 9, 2022Landscape

Gravel trail behind Frascati needs more gravel. Lots of sticky mud. I didn't walk on other trails today.

December 28, 2022Landscape

Sidewalk ballast light appears to be ready to go out, currently flashing one-off. Trilogy Pkwy, last curve before before Healing Rock, heading UP to Club

January 5, 2023Landscape

Bocce Park on California Trail: The east side of the park appears to have only 1 drain located on the east side of the park walkway near the tree closest to the sidewalk. That drain is completely blocked with debris and mud. The mud and tanbark has continuously washed onto the sidewalk in front of my property as well as onto my grass area. That drain needs to be cleared ASAP. The other problem there is the fact that there is only one drain. The terrain on that side of the park from the v-ditch to the street sidewalk slopes towards my property. The water then pools along the base of my west side fence. I have pictures where you can see the path the water takes from the trail at the v-ditch to the street if you want to see them.

January 5, 2023Landscape

Trail below Vineyard behind the Bocce Park and along the trail towards the bend in the trail: With every rain mud from the vineyard washes down onto the gravel trail and moves closer and closer to the homes. There are several areas where the mud has reached the v-ditch. I see that waddle was placed at the base of the vineyard along the Chardonnay side of the trail. The same thing needs to be done along the California Trail side of the vineyard ASAP before we have mud coming into our yards or flowing into the park.

May 9, 2023Landscape

I’d like to report a damaged fence needing repair.
It’s at Bordeaux Park.
South east corner hillside. The fence is a wooden two rail fence from the park floor up the hillside (in/near the olive grove) to the back yards of the adjacent residences.
Tow rails are out of place needing repair.

Thank you,
Robert Damico
1621 Gamay Ln.

**** Response from HOA - This has been reported to the City to address as they confirmed it's their responsibility. Fence posts need to be reset in concrete. *******

May 9, 2023Landscape

Two leaks in the irrigation pipe along the trail in Upper MiWok park.

May 18, 2023Landscape

Broken PVC fitting on irrigation system in Upper MiWok Park near the Labyrinth.

June 2, 2023Landscape

We would like to ask that the landscape staff trim down the plant growing on the other side of the wall on the side of our house. We live on the right side of the Latour gate. The plant is starting to come over the top of the sound wall. It is a climber and has started to come over the sound wall cap and it growing into our plants. The top of the sound wall is too high for us to get to.

It is also growing under the wall and coming up in our landscape. We realize there isn't anything that can be done about that but having to deal with both the top and the bottom of our wall to remove a plant that isn't in ours a bit much for us. My husband uses a walker and I have a bad back getting on a ladder to reach over to the other side of the sound wall is very difficult. Thank you for any help you can give us.

June 14, 2023Landscape

On July 17, 2022, I requested that bark be refreshed along the view fences for homes along Fiano Lane. This still has not been done, and I am getting a significant amount of spurge (low growing weed) in that area. On rare occasion Terra Care sprays the weeds that are 12 inches tall, but does nothing for the low growing spurge. I am tired of hand weeding. With permission, I will be happy to spray the weeds myself. Hand weeding has become overwhelming. Please address this issue soon.

June 14, 2023Landscape

The park area on the north side Chianti, where the PGE pipeline runs, the grass is becoming very dry in a number of spots. Right around the sprinklers it is green, but away from the sprinklers is very brown. This is a problem every year in this area. It is the worst looking area in all of Trilogy. I know no board members live in the area, but it is certainly a disappointment for those of us that pay the same HOA dues as everyone else. Please pay attention to this area.

July 8, 2023Landscape

The sprinklers are leaking on Moscato Pl. The cul-de-sac end. Been leaking for days. This has been a issue in the past.

July 15, 2023Landscape

The first fountain on the way up to the club by the big structure is in a terrible condition, stagnant water, green algae, smells really bad, the motor is above the water line. Needs tending too, especially as we have mosquitoes

July 18, 2023Landscape

The hedges on Trilogy Parkway approximately 1/2 way up the street on the right side (as you are going up the parkway to the clubhouse) need to be trimmed down again. This is an ongoing issue. If you drive up the parkway you can see where the hedges on the lower part of the parkway have been trimmed properly and where maintenance stopped trimming. The upper part of the parkway needs the same attention as the lower part and because the hedges have been neglected they need a bit more attention to look as nice as the hedges in the lower part of the street. I do thank you for removing and replacing the dead hedges and hoping that with proper maintenance (proper water and fertilizer) they will grow nicely and the hedges will look as good as the hedges on the lower part of the parkway.

July 21, 2023Landscape

The new plants added along Trilogy Parkway are already dying! They were planted with the rootball exposed. They are not getting watered enough. And they are dying - leaves are drooping and turning yellow. I believe these are Laurel plants added to replace the dead ones.

They need to be replaced. Most of them are dead now. Next time, dig a hole and put the entire rootball in the soil. Then water every day. It's 100 degrees today.

July 26, 2023Landscape

There is a dead pine tree at the Solera St. entrance into Tuscany. It needs to be removed and hopefully replaced. Thank you.

**** Response from HOA - Reported to Shea Homes to address***

 Reported Location Issue Status


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