July 26, 2023 | Landscape | There is an Italian cypress tree at the southeast corner of the intersection of Sacred Mountain Lane and Vineyards Parkway that is leaning heavily and appears to be falling over. It looks like a previous effort to stake and stabilize the tree has failed.
**** Response from HOA - Reported to Shea Homes to address*****
| Completed |
August 2, 2023 | Landscape | About half of the plants outside of the Andalucia gate across from the park have died. I would guess it's an irrigation issue, so if addressed soon the other half might survive.
**** Response from HOA - Reported to Shea Homes to address *****
| Completed |
September 13, 2023 | Landscape | Broken Olive Tree Irrigation Sprinkler in Miwok Park. The forth olive tree into the park. as counted from Barbaresco Lane, is broken and releasing a lot of water. See attached picture.
Mike Ciopyk
| Completed |
September 19, 2023 | Landscape | At end of Muscato Cul-de-sac.
This area is over grown.
It has not been touched in a long time!
| Completed |
September 24, 2023 | Landscape | The view is obstructed by leafy tree branches for the 35 mph speed limit sign driving to Trilogy from Fairview Avenue to Vineyards Parkway. Please let me know if this description is not clear.
| Completed |
September 28, 2023 | Landscape | There is a missing lamp post on Vineyards Parkway where it intersects with Trilogy Parkway and Solara Street. My understanding is that this lamp post has been missing for a few years now. Has anyone contacted the City of Brentwood regarding the replacement of this lamp post? Isn't replacement covered by: "Landscape and Lighting District No. 06-3 Vineyards. The Community lies within the boundaries of the City of Brentwood Landscape and Lighting District No. 06-3 Vineyards (referred to above as the “LLD"). The LLD was formed to fund landscape maintenance and energy and maintenance costs of streetlights on arterial streets within the LLD."? Given all the special taxes and assessments that we pay, it seems like the City of Brentwood should perform this type of maintenance in a more timely fashion. Thanks.
| Completed |
November 7, 2023 | Landscape | Water leak from sprinkler at upper Miwok Park
| In-Progress |
November 16, 2023 | Landscape | Broken irrigation line midway along pathway in Upper MiWok Park. Shooting water.
| In-Progress |
March 5, 2024 | Landscape | The keypad for the gate in the wrought iron fence at the end of Barsac Court is not working. I entered the code - 1443 right? - multiple times on different days and nothing happened. Tried the handle and it would not open. Maybe it is operator error but I walked on to Viognier Court, entered the same code, and it worked fine. Maybe someone could check it? Thanks!
| Completed |
May 21, 2024 | Landscape | Sprinkler leak in the front of the club along the sidewalk at the front of the clubhouse. Lots of water.
| Completed |
May 28, 2024 | Landscape | The sprinkler controller at the Lafite Court golf cart path leading to Rhone village (common planting area) has been inoperable for several years. I have previously reported the issue, as did Michael Wolfe prior to his death. Unfortunately, after years of neglect many plants have died and/or withered away. Please have someone inspect our irrigation system here at the end of Lafite Court and repair the sprinkler controllers. I manually turn the system on for my side (in front of 1100 Lafite) at least once a week, as does the gardener for my neighbor at 1101 Lafite Court. However, when we are away for several weeks the vegetation suffers immensely, particularly in the summer months.
| In-Progress |
June 1, 2024 | Landscape | 95% of the grass in Meritage Park is dead or dying. It is not being watered properly. There are obvious broken pipes which are part of the sprinkler system. Only 5% of the grass is getting any water at all.
Why would you install grass if you do not water it properly???
| In-Progress |
June 3, 2024 | Landscape | One of the two newly planted young purple flowering trees at Miwok Park needs to be re-secured at its support pole. It has broken loose from the top tie and bending over. If not secured, the tree will not grow straight. I noticed this driving by and did not stop to take a photo.
| In-Progress |
June 18, 2024 | Landscape | I would like the bushes on Trilogy Parkway behind my house topped and trimmed at least a foot, preferably even with the top of the iron fence. I live at 1966 Sacred Mountain Lane and in order for the bushes to grow full and healthy, they need to be topped annually. Several have died over the years due to improper care, as this has been an ongoing issue for several years. I was also advised last year that the bushes would be topped annually in the spring as part of the standard maintenance program and that I would not need to send in a request as I have since I moved into the home in 2019. I also watched maintenance staff top and trim only the bushes behind 1958 Sacred Mountains home today, leaving the rest of the block undone. Why is that? If you look at those bushes, you can see a noticeable difference versus the bushes behind my home.
| Completed |
July 4, 2024 | Landscape | The water pressure on the North end of Miwok Park is extremely low and/or has clogged sprinklers. The grass is dying and I hope something will be done before we lose the entire grass area because of the lack of water.
| In-Progress |
July 15, 2024 | Landscape | Leaking irrigation pipe along path in upper MiWok park.
| Completed |
July 20, 2024 | Landscape | Park and trail between Chianti Ln and Barbaresco
50% of grass is burnt out to due need of sprinkler maintenance. Some are misdirected and others are clogged.
| In-Progress |
July 21, 2024 | Landscape | On July 4, I asked for landscape maintenance and I see it is listed as "In progress". Absolutely nothing has changed in the large areas of dry and dead grass. The sprinklers are coming on with a foot and a half coverage which doesn't begin to cover the dry areas. How much do we have to lose before someone actually comes to see the lack of water pressure for the grass at the North end of Miwok Park?
| In-Progress |
July 22, 2024 | Landscape | The Lanscaping at the entrance to Andalucia Lane is in need of water most of it looks dead.
Please have someone look at it.
| In-Progress |
July 26, 2024 | Landscape | Please, please, please check the sprinklers at the upper end of Miwok Park. This is my third request for someone to actually run the sprinklers and look for the problem of no water pressure getting to the grass. The grass cannot withstand 100+ degree days and very little, if any water. One sprinkler line was on today, but only one sprinkler at the end was working. My requests are marked In Progress, but nothing seems to change.
| In-Progress |
July 27, 2024 | Landscape | The recent addition of rocks and boulders to the landscape medians in front of 1101 Lafite Court resulted in the work crew breaking the water pipe which waters half of the landscaping on the 1101 Lafite Court side of the golf cart path. I immediately notified the HOA (Jayme Walls) and received a response that the mattewr would be attended to. Now, after several months much of the landscaping is dying or dead and the problem has not been addressed. Likewise, the automatic sprinkler system for this area has not worked for over 5 years, which has facilitated myself and the gardener for 1101 Lafite Court to manually turn on the irrigation system every week.
Dozens of plants have now died and numerous other plants are threatened. I can't imagine why this matter has not been fixed as I have been alerting Mr. Walls and other Trilogy employees for several years. My Neighbor Dennis Reynolds asked for me to advise of his dissatisfaction with the manner these repairs have been ignored. I am also notifying the property managers Nacny and Patrick Lewis of this most unfortunate situation. The landscape employee who previously checked on the sprinkler system was not fluent in english and stated that he did not know how to fix the control boxes, but true to your word he came out and looked at the boxes for a minute or two and shook his head and left.
| In-Progress |
July 29, 2024 | Landscape | Broken sprinkler system at golf cart gate if front of 1100-1101 Lafite Court. Me. Reynolds gardener Carlos repaired the broken supply line pipe, however we need to have the sprinkler control box(s) repaired asap?
| In-Progress |
July 30, 2024 | Landscape | Upper Miwok park irrigation for lawn is not working the lawn is dead in many areas. See photo. This is an on going problem that never seems to be addressed. I have seen other park areas in Trilogy that are looking great such as the Bocce park area (it looked poor for awhile) now looks good. Why is there no effort to work on upper Miwok ? Thank you
| In-Progress |
July 31, 2024 | Landscape | This is an ongoing issue with many requests over the years. The bushes on the upper half of Trilogy Parkway going up to the clubhouse need to be trimmed. Each year the maintenance staff only trim half way up the parkway and stop (for no apparent reason). Due to this, the bushes are in very poor shape and don't even closely resemble the nice and full and healthy bushes on the lower half. You can see the actual point where maintenance has stopped. Three years ago myself and another neighbor met with HOA staff and gardeners and both assured me that this would be remedied by repairing damaged water lines, replacement of dead bushes, additional fertilizer to repair the damage, and annual topping to keep the bushes healthy. Three years and multiple requests later, the bushes are worse than ever. While the lower portion was recently topped and most likely fertilized as an annual task and look amazing, the gardeners stopped at the same place they always do and left the upper half alone. Please can you please treat the upper bushes on the parkway with the same care you treat the lower half. Not asking for anything extra, just the same level of care. Respectfully, Linda Tarantino
| Completed |
August 4, 2024 | Landscape | At the out Miwok Gate there is a River Rock area between gate pillar and grass full spreading weeds.
Thanks Ken
| Completed |