September 29, 2019 | Club | An announcement was sent out to members a while back that the "back" patio door in the gym by the treadmills was to be locked at all times. A sign was placed on the glass door referencing this policy. Now however, the sign has been removed from the door, and the door is regularly unlocked when I use the gym on a daily basis .
This policy was put into place for added security, and to prevent unauthorized non-member access to the gym, pool, and other facilities. Who changed this important policy, and why wasn't there a notification sent out to members, if it has been reversed?
Thank you,
Warren Watson
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November 2, 2019 | Club | The plastic clear/grayish faceplate on the Abdominal Crunch machine in the gym is loose. It is missing a screw. Thanks.
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November 7, 2019 | Club | The technogym kiosk is offline. Unable to log in using my key. Thanks.
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November 20, 2019 | Club | New treadmill in the Gym is not working
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November 22, 2019 | Club | Lights out on steps to Mail Room for several days now
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December 18, 2019 | Club | Lights are either totally out or partially out along the steps between club house parking lot levels. It's very dark descending the steps at night. Also light on east side of parking lot is out.
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January 13, 2020 | Club | The lat machine (pull down) in the gym no longer tracks reps/sets with the technogym key.
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January 28, 2020 | Club | The screen is not working on the stationary upright bike to the left (if standing behind them). Thanks.
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February 6, 2020 | Club | Light over outside mailroom door is out.
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February 10, 2020 | Club | The door to locker #24 in the men’s locker room is off one hinge.
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February 18, 2020 | Club | Are there plans to put in lights on both sets of stairs in the parking lot? At night they are very dark and it is a safety hazard.
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February 29, 2020 | Club | Chest press machine in the gym: when the foot lever is depressed the left-hand hand grip bar does not advance as it is supposed to. Thank you.
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March 3, 2020 | Club | I saw the techno gym service guy today and he informed me that the screen for the upright stationary bike to the left is dead. Since this bike is out of commission until it’s either fixed or replaced, can a sign be made stating something to that effect so that people are not wasting their time getting on it and trying to use it. Thanks.
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July 10, 2020 | Club | I noticed the lawn area as you enter the pool area is very dry due to lack of water. In fact the grass was crunchy it was so dry. Why is area of the lawn not getting watered. Just wondering, it was real nice prior.
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July 28, 2020 | Club | I noticed today that the grass on either side of the water feature leading to the reflecting pond is very dry. Obviously the water schedule needs to be adjusted.
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October 28, 2020 | Club | All of elliptical machines are unable to view the TV channel “HGTV”. All the other TV channels view clearly. Also the middle elliptical has a consistent knocking noise when in use.
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October 29, 2020 | Club | We are seeing more damage on lawns and believe we are seeing Farrell pigs tearing up lawns. I saw on Symphony street and also by the club house. I have some pictures I could send but dont see where to attach them.
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November 9, 2020 | Club | The “HGTV” channel doesn’t work on any of the elliptical machines at the gym.
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January 20, 2021 | Club | There is a leak in the fountain at the bottom of Trilogy Parkway. Water is running over the road and into the gutter
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April 3, 2021 | Club | No internet connection on the technogym kiosk in the gym. Thanks.
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July 5, 2021 | Club | Only one shower in the men's locker room is operational. One already has an out-of-order sign, but another (the one on the right) has no hot water. Also thanks for getting the swimsuit spinner working!
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September 1, 2021 | Club | The dumpster by the sales office is overflowing and has been in that state for some time. I can send a picture if it helps. Someone has also piled up multiple garbage bags in front of the dumpster (about 8-10 bags) which I suspect has prevented the routine pickup of the dumpster by the garbage truck. I walk my dog by that area about once a week and I'd guess this pile of trash has been there for several weeks. Now the critters have gotten into the bags laying on the ground and made a mess. Can someone PLEASE properly dispose of the garbage bags on the ground and get the dumpster picked up?
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October 13, 2021 | Club | Mail room outside door doesn’t close correctly. Need to pull in closed. Does not close and latch on its own. Did report to concierge at 8:30 on Wednesday 10/13/2021
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December 8, 2021 | Club | If it hasn’t already been fixed, the clock in the gym is showing the incorrect time. Thank you.
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December 28, 2021 | Club | The circle around the fountain at the club.
The trees around the circle have up light landscape lighting a lot of these are burned out.
Can you someone check them?
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