January 6, 2022 | Villages | 1749 Latour has stain chipping off of their fence facing Lafitte street. It is in need of a new coat of stain.
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January 12, 2022 | Villages | The streetlight located in front of 1566 California Trail is constantly turn off and on during the evening. It only stays lit for a few seconds and then turns off again. Please let me know if I should report this to the City of Brentwood instead.
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March 25, 2022 | Villages | Water is leaking from sprinkler valve box on olive grove path in Bordeaux adjacent to or near Sauternes
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March 29, 2022 | Villages | Sprinkler hub still leaking on olive grove path in Bordeaux. Issue says in progress, but wondered why it hasn’t been turned off yet
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April 2, 2022 | Villages | The little park-like area in the center of the cul-de-sac in Porto village is not doing well. The plants do not seem to be getting water.
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June 22, 2022 | Villages | I live at 1966 Sacred Mountain Lane, due to construction at the models and empty lots, there is excessive dirt (mud) in the gutters in front of my house. I watch the construction staff clean up and wash down the street and gutters leaving a nice clean look; however, they wash this dirt down to my home leaving a mess in front of my house. Not sure what can be done to ensure this does not continue to happen or provide regular cleanup in front of our homes.
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June 26, 2022 | Villages | The facade to the outside street pillar off Andalucia has fallen off. I believe it's the 3rd pillar north of Andalucia Lane, on Vineyards Pkwy. The facade just needs to be re-attached.
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July 27, 2022 | Villages | Trash can in Bordeaux park near picnic table needs repair or replacement, it has broken slats on sides.
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August 24, 2022 | Villages | Terra Care left a pile of clippings - neatly piled on a white tarp - on the outbound side of the Latour Gate. It's on the exterior/Vineyards Pkwy side of the gate. Hopefully they can come pick it up SOON. Thanks.
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September 3, 2022 | Villages | I received a report from a neighbor that for the past couple of days, the St. Julien exit gate has not been working correctly. Appreciate your help!
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September 15, 2022 | Villages | At Bordeaux Park, irrigation water is flowing abundantly over the sidewalk and grass and into the drains. Looks like a major leak. Has been going on since at least Sept 14 evening.
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September 18, 2022 | Villages | Hi there reporting sprinklers running all day this Saturday along Bordouex park along the sidewalks of latour
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October 14, 2022 | Villages | The pedestrian gate for Porto Village does not lock.
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October 29, 2022 | Villages | Pedestrian gate at the end of Voignier Court does not latch. This is the gate that goes to the walkway below the vineyards.
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November 8, 2022 | Villages | Entry gate at Porto village is not closing
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November 30, 2022 | Villages | Asphalt crack across Latour at south corner with Sauternes
- Message from VAMC - Thank you for the report. We will continue to monitor the crack and will have the asphalt company investigate in the spring. JW
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January 12, 2023 | Villages | The new paint on top of the sound wall caps is peeling off badly along the side of our house (left side of Latour gate). We can’t tell how many caps are affected but at least a few look like there are leaves 🍁 on top of the cap but when you look closer the “leaves” are paint peels so they aren’t blowing away in the wind. Haven’t gone out to look at the back wall on Vineyards pkwy.
- Message from VAMC - Thank you for your report. Whit's Painting is aware of the issue caused by all the rain and has reported that they will schedule the repairs as soon as there are consecutive days of clear weather. JW
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January 13, 2023 | Villages | You probably have received many complaints about“Lake Moscato" in front of 1816 Moscato. I would think it should be a simple and cheap fix. It’s been a problem literally for 5+? years. In heavy rain the water pools in front of the house so much that it goes over the middle of the road and drains somewhat on that side of the street. Maybe it could be solved by a pipe or a small, deeper gutter to the storm drain several feet away.
- Message from VAMC - Thank you for the report. This street is still in control by Shea Homes. We have followed up with them requesting a repair timeframe. JW
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January 16, 2023 | Villages | Leak in my roof in the library
- Message from VAMC - Please contact Shea Customer Service to see if it's under warranty. If not, please call a roofer. Unfortunately, the HOA does not cover any repairs to homes. Thank you. - JW
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January 17, 2023 | Villages | Some bushes along Trilogy Parkway behind 1974 Sacred Mountain Lane have very few, if any leaves. (The location is between Barossa and Porto.) The bushes need significant care or replacement. As it is, they do not provide the image that the community tries to project, nor do they provide the privacy between the road and sidewalk and the home(s) on the other side.
- Message from VAMC - This is currently an open approved project that will be completed by TerraCare this year. - JW
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January 18, 2023 | Villages | Several weeks ago the HOA sponsored wall cap painting was performed on the wall in my back yard. While the paint worked seemed fine when completed, the newly applied paint is already peeling away, exposing the metal/foam cap underneath. The entire wall in my back yard is uncovered and open, so this issue is not related to lack of access. I believe it's related to poorly prepping the wall before painting it. Can we have the painter come back out, properly prep the exposed sections of the cap, and repaint it? I have pictures if you need them. My address is 1567 California Trail. Thanks!
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January 24, 2023 | Villages | Contractor failed to paint a small portion (40 feet) of the inside surface of our wall cap and has not returned to finish the job. They did complete the whole section along Briones but failed to finish the painting of our cap along the orchard side of our property. Alll scraping and prep has been done, but no paint. I would be happy to point out the section which needs to be completed and/or give painters access to our property.
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February 1, 2023 | Villages | Porto gate is open and not closing.
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February 17, 2023 | Villages | gate is jammed at Porto Village
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February 19, 2023 | Villages | Porto gate still not closing
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