July 9, 2024 | Villages | I am reporting this again because it has been "in progress" since June 13! What is the status?
Ongoing safety, security and mechanical defect with Viognier pedestrian gate. Maintenance report filed several times in the past 14 months. Problem not fixed.
1. The gate has a reversed strike plate and elevated screws. The strike plate blocks the gate from closing or makes it hard or impossible to open. This is/has been part of the ongoing gate sticking open or not opening problem going back to early 2023.
2. It is especially prominent in the afternoon after the sun hits the metal fence, the framing around the gate expands. When it expands the strike plate blocks the gate from both opening and closing. If you want to observe the problem come out in the late afternoon. It will not be in evidence in the A.M.
3. The security and safety problem exists because once the gate is opened in the afternoon, it will remain open until it cools off, then it sometimes closes on its own sometimes not at all..
Please address this ASAP! Can someone give me a progress report please?
| Completed |
July 17, 2024 | Villages | Water is overflowing from the landscaping into the street, on he Latour side near the 1st house.
| In-Progress |
August 26, 2024 | Villages | There are 2 dead trees and 1 dying tree in Meritage Park.
| In-Progress |
August 29, 2024 | Villages | Irrigation leak at Meritage Park in Tuscany. Water has been flowing for several days across from the houses 1600 Meritage loop. The ground is super saturated with water and has been flowing down to the drain for a few weeks.
| In-Progress |
December 18, 2024 | Villages | The man gate at the Solera gate is not reading the key cards.
| Completed |
November 25, 2024 | Villages | What was once dirt across the path in the olive grove in Bordeaux is now mud. I know this has been reported but not sure when it will be fixed. I walk thru there every day and now with the rain it is getting very messy. We hoped to
Avoid this by having it reported some time ago when it was dusty dirt. It seems that the path needs new and more gravel.
| In-Progress |
January 14, 2025 | Villages | There is a street light flickering on Chianti between Corsica and Barbaresco. It is on the West side of the street closest to Barbaresco
| In-Progress |
October 28, 2024 | Villages | It has been reported that our gates are making a very high pitch sound when opening and closing. I am out of town and submitting this request. As you know the gates are new and have already broken once. Thanks for investigating. Rhone Village
| In-Progress |
October 2, 2024 | Villages | Our exit gate in Rhone is off the hinges and needs emergency attention
| Completed |
September 26, 2024 | Villages | A home in Bordeaux on St. Julien had a water leak which ran downhill to the olive grove path next to St. Emilion. Water and mud have made the path a potential fall/slip risk and a v ditch filled with mud. Will attach a photo from last night - the photo would not download even though it is 3.4 mb which is under the 5 mb file size max. This is happened before. Is there an issue that can be resolved so I can attach a photo?
Thank You.
| In-Progress |
September 26, 2024 | Villages | A home in Bordeaux on St. Julien had a water leak which ran downhill to the olive grove path next to St. Emilion. Water and mud have made the path a potential fall/slip risk and a v ditch filled with mud. Will attach a photo from last night.
| In-Progress |
September 25, 2024 | Villages | Two Street Lights Out on Moscato # 29854 and 29853 cross street Barbaresco.
| In-Progress |
September 17, 2024 | Villages | Fire Hydrant Blue Marker is still missing in front of 1837 Moscato. I reported this about a year ago when the trash truck took it on its turn?
| In-Progress |
December 29, 2024 | Tennis / Pickleball Court | Fabric cover over the gazebo (between Pball and tennis) is torn.
12.30.24 - Update: New, more durable canvas with eyelets and tensioners was ordered on 12/26/24 and is due to arrive this week. It will be installed ASAP when it arrives. Thank you
| In-Progress |
September 18, 2024 | Tennis / Pickleball Court | On the Pickleball courts there is a burnt bulb in one of the night flood lights. The one next to court 4 towards the center of the courts.
This issue prevents play on court 4 after dark.
Please correct as soon as possible.
| In-Progress |
January 2, 2025 | Tennis / Pickleball Court | At the pickleball courts, near court 4, the gate latch is loose. The part that attaches to the swinging gate has just one screw in it (ie one is missing); the gate post hole appears to be partially stripped so that this screw cannot be tightened. Thank you.
01.02.25 - We are addressing this issue today. Thanks for letting us know!
| Completed |
November 5, 2019 | Tennis / Pickleball Court | Tennis courts lights on at 6:00AM. Why?
| Completed |
November 5, 2019 | Tennis / Pickleball Court | Is it possible to replace the tennis court light switch with a 2 hour timer?
| Completed |
May 4, 2021 | Tennis / Pickleball Court | On one of the benches between pickleball and tennis courts there is a bolt missing on the seat. So the seat falls through. We turned it upside down on the grass.
| Completed |
July 25, 2021 | Tennis / Pickleball Court | On the tennis/pickleball shed, the battery powered lock blinks red when opening. That likely means the batteries need replacing.
| Completed |
September 1, 2021 | Tennis / Pickleball Court | We love the umbrellas at the Pickleball courts. On one of them (the one closer to the sales office parking lot), a fabric tab that connects the bottom fabric section to the top section has come apart. Looks like it needs to be sewn. There might be more than one tab that's come apart. See the image at https://rosiebankcom-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/mark_rosiebank_com/EWljj4j-LspOg46iZkJVlzMBlrFISasv_xhEhrMyaHJU-Q?e=PedGed
| Completed |
December 31, 2021 | Tennis / Pickleball Court | Please rehang the #1 sign at tennis court #1. Thank you!
| Completed |
February 1, 2022 | Tennis / Pickleball Court | Please replace the batteries and update the time on the clock facing the tennis courts. Thank you!
| Completed |
February 17, 2022 | Tennis / Pickleball Court | Could you rehang the sign on Court #2 / Tennis Court - it's on the ground next to the gate. Thank you!
| Completed |
September 29, 2022 | Tennis / Pickleball Court | Please hang the #3 sign on the tennis court. The sign is on the ground on that court.
| Completed |