Maintenance Issue Reports

Trilogy® at The Vineyards

Displaying 1 - 25 of 583

 Reported Location Issue Status
November 25, 2024Villages

What was once dirt across the path in the olive grove in Bordeaux is now mud. I know this has been reported but not sure when it will be fixed. I walk thru there every day and now with the rain it is getting very messy. We hoped to
Avoid this by having it reported some time ago when it was dusty dirt. It seems that the path needs new and more gravel.

October 7, 2024Gates

Latour entry gates stuck open

October 7, 2024Vineyards

The v- ditch behind 1640 Healing Rock (Porto Village) has filled with gravel and debris from the water pipe break in the vineyard. Should we have rain, my property is in danger of flooding .

October 8, 2024Gates

Around 9pm, right-side Latour gate was stuck open again until a car left and somehow the gate closed "properly"

October 26, 2024Landscape

Upper Miwok Park trail: Behind the big rocks along the walking trail in front of the giant Oak tree there are two dripper sprinkler tubes that are shooting water up into the air and landing about 6 feet from the tube. I took photos, but I'm not being allowed to download them to this site (message says the file is too big).

October 28, 2024Villages

It has been reported that our gates are making a very high pitch sound when opening and closing. I am out of town and submitting this request. As you know the gates are new and have already broken once. Thanks for investigating. Rhone Village

November 4, 2024Gates

Miwok gates not working. Beeping loudly! Entrance side is half open. Large vehicles cannot get in, i.e. emergency vehicles! Exit side stuck open.

November 19, 2024Gates

The Zinfandel security gate (exit) has been stuck in the open position for several days.

November 19, 2024Landscape

The parkway artificial grass in front of 1629 Zinfandel is badly damaged. It appears to have been scorched/burned by something extremely hot. The turf is melted.

November 16, 2024Gates

Latour pedestrian gate not closing properly. Has to be pulled shut every time.

December 7, 2024Gates

The backlight for one of the large Trilogy entrance signs (on the left/South side) at Vineyards Parkway/John Muir Parkway is burnt out and has been for a few months. Thank you.

- 12.12.24 Call to DPW - Work order placed with
Parks and Rec.
- 12.17.24 Call to Parks & Rec: Work order is active
and ETA is 2 to 3 more weeks to replace the
- 02.27.25 After many emails with the City, they will be making repairs to the backlights for this sign, I'll say in a few more weeks, but it could be as soon as tomorrow. They have thanked us for our patience and ultimately they will get this fixed. Thank you!

December 29, 2024Tennis / Pickleball Court

Fabric cover over the gazebo (between Pball and tennis) is torn.

12.30.24 - Update: New, more durable canvas with eyelets and tensioners was ordered on 12/26/24 and is due to arrive this week. It will be installed ASAP when it arrives. Thank you

December 30, 2024Club

There is a ceiling light out in the Komei Room. Please fix it. It has been this way over a year!

12.30.24 - This is in progress now: wiring/ballast replacement work is involved. Will update when the work has been completed.

January 14, 2025Villages

There is a street light flickering on Chianti between Corsica and Barbaresco. It is on the West side of the street closest to Barbaresco

January 30, 2025Landscape

I noticed recently that the bushes were trimmed on the Miwok Park Trail near Chianti Ln. and thank you for that. There are common area bushes that adjoin our bushes on Chianti Ln. and we try to keep our property trimmed, but it seems that this common area is always overlooked and I have to ask for them to be trimmed. So, I am asking for the 5 bushes that adjoin ours be trimmed to the same height of what is on our property. Thank you!

January 31, 2025Landscape

Over two years ago the HOA was going to reapply bark to the common area around the upper and lower Miwok Park. That was delayed because of the PG&E project. I have a view fence that overlooks the upper park, and the space between the fence and the grass is constantly growing weeds. Terra Care sprays some of those weeds maybe once or twice a year. When will the promised bark be reapplied? I see that it was done near the clubhouse. I pay a lot in HOA fees to be ignored for many years. This is marked as completed, but the only bark that is left, and that is very little, is from the original bark that was put down many years ago. Thank you.

March 9, 2025Gates

The Latour exit gate continues to periodically remain open after a car drives through then when it closes it beeps and remains open until the next car drives through then the gate will close. I know this sounds weird but we were walking home and stood at the open Latour exit gate and observed this in progress

September 3, 2024Club

While using the services of SAWA SPA in August, I noted a few minor maintenance issues which ideally should be addressed. Specifically, the patio umbrella closest to the jacuzzi/spa is torn and faded; the life preserver rope has been cut and is laying on the ground; there are 2 large decorative lanterns which have seen better days and should probably be removed; and finally, several large landscape pots around the jacuzzi/spa with dying and/or dead plants. See attached pics. If this is not something addressed through MTL, please forward to SAWA SPA management. Thank you .. Celeste Storrs

September 18, 2024Tennis / Pickleball Court

On the Pickleball courts there is a burnt bulb in one of the night flood lights. The one next to court 4 towards the center of the courts.
This issue prevents play on court 4 after dark.
Please correct as soon as possible.

September 26, 2024Villages

A home in Bordeaux on St. Julien had a water leak which ran downhill to the olive grove path next to St. Emilion. Water and mud have made the path a potential fall/slip risk and a v ditch filled with mud. Will attach a photo from last night - the photo would not download even though it is 3.4 mb which is under the 5 mb file size max. This is happened before. Is there an issue that can be resolved so I can attach a photo?
Thank You.

September 8, 2024Landscape

The water pressure at the Chef's Garden area is reduced to the point that we can't water the plants. This just happened yesterday. Also, we need more water to the pumpkin area as none of those plants are getting enough water and our one pumpkin is starting to shrivel up.

Thank you!
The Chef's Garden Team

September 26, 2024Villages

A home in Bordeaux on St. Julien had a water leak which ran downhill to the olive grove path next to St. Emilion. Water and mud have made the path a potential fall/slip risk and a v ditch filled with mud. Will attach a photo from last night.

September 15, 2024Landscape

Just noticed this morning that the sprinkler line at the north end of Miwok Park is not working correctly AGAIN. It is the line that waters at 10:50 am daily. There is a small amount of water coming out of each sprinkler, maybe 18 to 24 inches max. The grass is not suffering yet, but it will be dead again as in August if not repaired soon. Thank you!

September 25, 2024Villages

Two Street Lights Out on Moscato # 29854 and 29853 cross street Barbaresco.

September 17, 2024Villages

Fire Hydrant Blue Marker is still missing in front of 1837 Moscato. I reported this about a year ago when the trash truck took it on its turn?

 Reported Location Issue Status


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